Monday, October 20, 2008

Black Belt!

On Saturday I graded for my black belt in Kenpo Karate.
Guess what, I got it!
The best Kenpo artist in the world was there as well as black belts from Australia and around New Zealand.
The grading took 3 hours. I have been doing Kenpo for 6 years.
So now I've made the first step to becoming an adult black belt, well so GL would say.


mojo said...

So people know Gl is Grahm Lelliot.

I may have spelt his name wrong.

Roo said...

Well, no.
I just didn't want to say his name because I may have made a spelling mistake like you did.
I think it is Graham Lelliot.

Nei-Nei Neina-Marie said...

yay, go you. Why do you do kempo???????

Roo said...

Well I do it because it is always great to have self disciplin and know how to protect yourself.

MrWoody said...

I REALLY enjoyed going to Roo and Mojo's junior black belt grading. It was an honour to be there watching the boys strive for excellence.

Nei-Nei Neina-Marie said...

Fine, kenpo.